I need help.
I am quite scared I might have contracted HIV, I am 17, Canadian.
A few weeks back, I performed oral sex on my female friend, l was recovering from a brutal cold and still had a mildly sore throat, my friend had also just ended her period, so l recall there not being any blood. I do remember her vagina did not smell good and wasn't clean, which is why l stopped performing oral sex on her.
Before that, she rubbed my penis with her thumb, which had a bandaid, and l'm worried my penis accidentally touched the wound.
I am more sure than not that I do NOT have HIV, but my friend started sexual activity before I did and has been with other highly active people, which is what worries me the most. I have also been researching and apparently my risks are negligible, but I am just not 100% sure if l should be worried. I would get tested but it is not a possibility at the moment.