I am 38+, married for 1 yr now, TTC from north india. My periods are regular so far with cycle length variyign form 34 days to 37 days in last 6 months. I consulted gynaecologyst one month back. She wrote some blood tests on day 2 and suggested for endrometrinal biopsy. Most blood tests are normal, Hb is 10.8, FSH is 10.39, TSH is 4.46, Prolactine is 28.48, LH is 6.28, LH/FSH ration is 0.6. Biopsy results (8th June, 23 day after last period) were normal and didnt find any harmful virus of TB, Cancer or AID.Bleeding/spoting remained till 12th june with almost nill spoting on 10th June. I then underwent HSG on 18 June (11th day after endrometrinal biopsy). HSG results are also normal, show normal shape and size and unblocked fallopean tubes. I was then suggested for DHEA 25mg (Grofer) thrice a day for a month along with pyrilong F tablet twice a day (my Hb is 10.8) and IUI in next cycle. I wished to try for normal concepion before going for IUI or other Artificial methods. I have not eben takign any vitamin supplements so far. I ahve a few questions:
1. Is it safe to conceive naturally at this age in this cycle when I hadnt started any vitamin supplements so far, also I udnerwent HSG in this cycle.
2. I havn't started above prescribed medicines so far. I heard DHEA has many side effects and causes infertility in logn run. Please suggest if DHEA would be appropriate or I should go for multivitamins and natural methods for decreasing FSH. I read somewhere that taking DHEA has side effects and also may result in infertility as body already has high FSH, and taking DHEA will increase it further in long run!
Pleaes sugegst on above.