Hi there, In December I engaged in sexual intercourse with a new partner for the first time. Approximately 10 days after that I noticed a hard lump on my labia majora . It almost looked like a spider bite . It wasn t sore, but before it appeared that area was itchy and then proceeded to be itchy and a little sensitive when the lump appeared. The next day or two it was still a lump but the top turned into something that looked a little wet and like a bit of an open wound. The lump went down within a day or two and and then the spot looked like scar tissue . Over about a weeks time it was gone. I visited a doctor about it and she thought it was just an ingrown hair . I thought I had another recurrence that was a little lower and was smaller a few months later, so I went to my doctor to show her and she again said it looked like an in grown hair. It s now been 8 months and 2 days ago I noticed that same lump as the first time, in the exact same spot, which is near my clitoris but on labia majora. It again was a lump yesterday and then formed that bit of that scar tissue look today. Any suggestions on what this is? I am terrified it may be an STD . I am 23 and in my past I have had more than a sexual partners. Thanks for your time.