Hey, I m a 28 Female, smoker, no outstanding health issues. For app the past 10-12 years the majority of the time, I caught a cold, strep , any virus that affected my throat, I would lose my voice. In the past couple of years, I lose my voice every time I get sick. I lost my voice in December, 2012, and have lost my voice again in February 2013. My current symptoms are my voice being between a whisper, to hoarse, to no voice at all. I ve had a sore throat . Especially painful to swallow , after being in a dry room, after doing some physical activity, waking in the am, and being without fluids for more than 30 mins. I cough out phlegm throughout the day, although it is getting difficult to get it up and out. It is between a green and brown color, some is more mucus like and the others is very hard to the touch. I ve also notice small amounts of red in some pieces of phlegm. I ve been like this for 2.5 weeks, and have had a 10 day prescription of amoxicillin 500mg 3/day.