I hit my head on a windowsill about a month ago, I went to urgent care and they said I did not have a concussion , they stitched me up, gave me a nausea pill. But about a week ago my vision started to decay, and it is persisting and feels like it is continuing to get worse. I have been to an Opthamologist and an Optometrist. The first said that he could find no issues with my eyes, only that my vision had gotten worse, so I had to go to the optometrist, he then said I had an astigmatism . I already have -7.50 vision in both eyes before all of this began. I have constant head aches which pills do not help to go away. I feel pressure all around my head and on the side of my eyes, I have blurred vision close up and far away. I m sensitive toward light and noise, I feel tingling in my head when I stand up, I feel nauseous and dizzy. I m used to having migranes, but I tend to lose my vision all together and it is not persistent nor do they tend to last weeks..