Hi, I'm 35 and recently started trying for a baby. My last period started 19 sept and i have 28-32 day cycle. Wehad intercourse 10-14 days after my period. 6 days past what i think was ovulation i had a very light pink spotting, both spots about inch and half in size, had it just the once. I also had waves of nausea a few times over a few days, was absolutely exhausted for nearly a week. I also had cramping, not too bad, and pain in my back on and off for few days. I'm trying to justify each of these symptoms. I sometimes suffer with backpain and especially when I get my period, thought the nausea might be just something going round. Felt dizzy yesterday but i sometimes have that and had a brief time today where i felt funny and passed alot of wind last night when i also had pains in my stomach. My periods due from wednesday next week, do you think i may be pregnant?