good evening, I am 21 years old male and work a full time job, i can t cook, and i often have food cravings that cause me to excessively indulge in several random foods. for example i may have whole wheat cereal for lunch, then immediately go from that to a hand full of peanuts, and then from that to a plate of dinner rolls. High school was not such a long time ago and back then i was muscular and in the best shape of my life. currently i still appear to be in good shape except for my somewhat bloated stomach, but i feel awful. My like question is, what are the things that someone like me who is not overweight, not looking to loose weight, and would like to remain muscular and be healthy eat? Also, i have eaten peanuts habitually at relatively large amounts for about four years now i m interested in knowing your thoughts on the impact that my habit can have on my health.