Hello there,
The first thing you need to do is assess the depth of your workouts. Imagine your muscles to be a book. At the beginning the book is compact but gradually with use and putting in post its and papers in between the book becomes larger and more spread out. Its the same principle in muscles. When you workout hard micro tears are created in your muscles...These are later filled by amino acids obtained from
proteins . The more intense your workout a proportional increase in protein intake has to be seen for growth in muscles. Otherwise the body breaks down muscle from one part to rectify the tears in another part and hence no net change is seen.
How much protein?
A beginner requires about 1 gram/kg body weight. So if your weight is 60 kg...You would need about 60 grams per day.
Proteins like whey eggs chicken have higher biological values i.e they have a better tendency to be incorporated into muscle.
Proteins in milk pulses soya have lower biological values so you need much higher levels of these to obtain similar effect to whey or eggs.
I am not a big fan of bournvita as they have very less protein. Bournvita is mainly sugar.
When you look at supplements what you need to look at is number of grams of whey protein per serving. Good ones have 25 and above grams of whey per 33 gram scoop
Some of these include-
1) ultimate nutrition 100% prostar whey
2) Optimum nutrition
3) Muscletech Phase 8
4) BSN Syntha 6 isolate.
Normally in India a good whey protein retails for 1000 rupees and above per lb. If its cheaper check the contents there may be soya or
casein mixed in the protein powder.
Hope this helps,
Please feel free to address any further queries to me. I will be happy to answer them,