Hello Doctors
I am 43 years old. I had regular period since I was 12 years old. Recently I visited an Ob Gyne to have my breast checked but she insisted that I should also have a pap smear. She told me I have polyps but didn't remove it. After the pap smear, I went home with severe cramps that lasted two weeks.
After two weeks, I visited another OB and she prepared me to have a polymectomy, (not sure of the right word) after inserting some instruments which was painful for me, she told it that I was clear. No polyps at all. And the crampings I am experiencing was part of my obvulation. During obvulation, I usually have two or three days cramping , but not weeks.
I was expecting my next period last Oct 7 but it didn't come. I visited the same Ob and gave me primolut N, twice a day for 5 days. I experienced pms but no period still, help help help.
I had two pregnancy test at one week interval and both negative. My last period was Sept 10.