Hi... I have a question for you.. Ok.. I have a friend.. She's 12 and she's been though a lot. Like death, no friends, failure at studies.... Well.. Thats me. Im the 12 yr old girl. I have no friends and I get picked on.. Think I shouldn't tell you about this well.. Its medical trust me. I'm getting there. Ok.. I get picked on. I have no friends I have things going on. I have suicidal thoughts.. Isn't it weird to have suicidal thoughts at 12? I go though depression,drama, and happiness all at the same time. Sometimes I will cut myself but Don't worry not to serious. I'll just get something sharp like a Carpisun straw or a broken paper clip. But, Mostly the carpisun straw. Anyways, I need help on how to stop these thoughts. Any ideas? Thanks for your time
~Evelyn the Lonely Girl