I am sorry for all that has happened and understand your agony. It would have helped if it was possible for you to elaborate regarding the infections that you had.
However, your main question is if the depo caused the miscarriage?
It is very clear that you were already bleeding when you received the depo. So it was assumed that you were menstruating and the depo was administered. The bleeding must not have been heavy at that time or you would have noticed the difference. I do not have details regarding your last menstrual period date before the depo to predict as to why the
pregnancy was missed. But in any case it seems that you were already pregnant and either aborting or having
implantation bleeding at the time of receiving the depo.
Since the pregnancy was most likely aborting the depo may have upto some extent helped in stopping the
abortion rather than caused it as it contains
progesterone, a hormone important for maintaining pregnancy. The safety of depo during pregnancy and its effects on the baby are questionable, but in your case you were most likely aborting already. So the depo injection is not a likely cause for this abortion.
I suggest that you stop thinking about the painfulpast as of now and concentrate more on getting your scan done at the earliest and treat any other residual infection so that you will not face problems in future.
I also suggest that you acquire a complete information about any birth control measure that you may use in future. I would like to
stress that if these methods are inadvertently not used as per recommendations, they fail to prevent pregnancy.
I would like to help you at any time that you may need me and feel free to ask any queries.
Thanks for using health care magic. Hope you found the suggestions helpful.
Dr. Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist