I'm 27, 5'11 and in my third trimester of pregnancy, in my 32nd week. I am overweight. I have had issues with GERD and have had asthma my entire life. The last few weeks I have experienced intermittant coughing, which sounds like when I have bronchitis except it isn't all the time like when I actually do have bronchitis (I get bronchitis a lot.) I have been waking up gasping for air, heart pounding. I also wake up out of a dead sleep and shoot up in bed with my mouth full of vomit. I felt as though I was having a panic attack as I laid down to go to bed, but didn't really have anything to panic about. I have a BP/heart rate cuff at home and in the last hour my highest BP has been 134/74 and highest pulse 105, lowest BP 118/69 and 104/72. I have taken two puffs of my pro air inhaler and taken a warm bath. Besides sleeping on my left side (since I am pregnant) and elevating, should I do anything else? Is there any reason to call a doctor or can I go back to bed? Thanks