My 26 year old daughter is pregnant with her first child and is approximately 16 weeks along. She has had some bleeding during her first trimester but it subsided. a few weeks ago she said that she felt some pressure and a feeling as though she had to urinate but then little came out. This past weekend she was trying to urinate and bent a little forward and she began bleeding quite heavily. She went to the emergency room and an ultra sound revealed she has a subchorionic hematoma with a little separation of the placenta. She was not given too much more information regarding this condition but was told to take it easy, bedrest, stay home from her job at least a week, avoid strenous activity, avoid sex. What else can she do to help her condition?
We would like to do everything possible to insure a healthy outcome for both Mother and Baby and would appreciate any information you might be able to contribute. Thank you. I did not realize there was a charge for this information so please do not answer my question. Thank you anyway.