HI and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about what you have been experiencing with your vaginal. I do hope the
pregnancy stays in good shape till term for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.
Vaginal swelling represents and inflammatory reaction. Thi sis most commonly caused by infections. It could also be caused by local irritation though not as common as infections.
The best thing is to get these sore evaluated by a physician. they could actually represent and infection that may complicate the course of your pregnancy. it is better to get a closer appraisal and rule our any potential dangers before setting for anything less concerning. remember, we can always have vaginal infections even during pregnancy, this could be the case with you.
For now you may want to get some pain killers for relief, dositz baths with diluted
iodine and visit your doctor for evaluation and management.
Hope this helps and guide you on how to approach this worry.
I wish you well, a healthy reminder of pregnancy, safe delivery and a healthy motherhood.
Dr. Ditah, MD.