i just had my ultrasound and pelvic sonogram says there is a single, live active intra-uterine female fetus presently in cephalic presentation . the ff are the fetal biometric scores: BPO - 72.36 mm Hc - 277.10 mm ac - 246.77 mm fl - 56.29 mm regular cardiac pulsations at a rate of 155.2 beats/min; the placenta is posterior in location with grade II maturity; amniotic fluid vol is adequate for the trimester; estimated fetal wt by hadlock is 1388.2 gms; impressionL single, live intra-uterine pregnancy 29 weeks & 2 day, cephalic presentation; normphrdamniosl grade II posterior placenta. please help me analyze this, can i do long travel by car (10 hours) or by bus??? thanks