Patient Name : Anita
Age : 37 yrs
1st Child - on 23 Jan 2001, Caegerian due to placenta previa and no labur pain
2nd - 6-8 week Missed abortion in 2009 due to no foetal development
Present Case
Pregnant for 3rd time.
LMP – 20 Dec 12
Double marker test – Negative
other problem - Cholesistitis
At 18 week of pregnancy while undergoing ultrasound, the doctor told me that the foetus has flowing two problems:-
(a) Single umbilical artery, AF adequate
(b) Single emiverteba - thoracolumbar spine, with mild scolisis
(c) Lt kidney :- Moderate hydronephrosis and hydro ureter, marked clubbing of cayces, poor corticomedullary diffrentiation with increased renal echogenicity, thin renal parenchyma
(d) Small echogenic intracardiac focus
(e) Humerus and femur between 5-50 percentile - not very significant
Request advise on:-
(a) Wheter to continue with the pregnancy
(b)Likely problems for the baby in futurtre.