Hi welcome to Health care magic forum. Your l.m.p. is On 27th feb. On 24th you had bells
palsy and treated with
wysolone and methycobol, Then you had
urinary tract infection, and treated with o2h, dompan, and
ural liq.
First of all did you confirm about
pregnancy, you have consulted any doctor, or did urine pregnancy test, or blood chorionic gonadotrophin test, or
ultrasound scanning , did any one of these confirm the pregnancy. If none of these confermed only abscence of period don't confirm the pregnancy.
Even wysolone can delay the period.
If it is a confirmed pregnancy, you are not expected to use medicines so extensively, in 1st trimister, but we consider that risk to baby to risk to mother, and deside whether to priscribe or not. Because in your case urinary tract infection itself if left untreated may become harm to mother and child, so you must get treatment, but there are pregnancy catogiry medicines which can be used during pregnancy.
Regarding termination or continuing the pregnancy, your doctor only can decide by personal examination of the condition. I wish you best of luck, and thanks for calling.