Hi there. I m 36weeks and 2days pregnant, meant to be due on the 14th of december. I m noticing a lot of differences happening lately and I m not too sure what can be going on. I ve checked a few of the things on google and the are stating that its early signs of labour but I m not sure whether to believe that or not. Anyway, I ve been getting a lot of braxton hicks, more often than usual. I had constipation earlier on this evening and haven t managed to get a toilet till earlier on but before that happened a yellow mucus discharge poured away from my rectum and I don t know what that could be. I also got a white milky discharge that came away from my vagina this morning and this evening, what could that be? My breasts leaked a lot of milk last night too plus I ve been getting a lot of lower back pain recently. Can t think of anything else that has happened to let you know about apart from I was at the midwife on wednesday past for regular check and she said the babies head was entering my pelvis . Help! I don t know what s going on, are these signs of early labour or do I have nothing to worry about?