Welcome to HCM,
Your wife has conceived before, so there are definitely the chances that sh will get
pregnancy again. Though as age advances, the good quality of ruptured Ovum, and frequency of Ovulation reduces.
Could the Doctor find the reason for PROM?PROM, has several causes-like infection in the chorionic membrane, excessive liquor ( water bag), twins, etc? Does she has any medical or
hormonal Disorder ?
Your Doctor has given her Inj Fertigyn. That Injection is given at the time of LH Surge, which we can know by Blood Hormonal ( LH and
Estradiol) level, BBT (
basal body Temperature) ovulation reading, home ovulation test and Trans-vaginal
follicular study. LH Surge indicates that Ovulation is impending within 24-48 hours. Sometimes, ova matures, and develop, but unable to release from ovary. This injection makes sure that ova releases from the ovary, so it enhances the chances of fertilization.
best of Luck