I was prescribed Bactrim/Septran sulfamethoxazole by my Doctor for a ear infection . He asked if I was alergic to sulfer and I didn t know. He prescribed the Bactrim/Septran sulfamethoxazole and said if I had a reaction he would simply switch antibiotics . . well, I had a reaction. After the first pill i noticed some swelling and heaviness in my penis. Soon after the second dose my penis began itch and felt hot, almost on fire. Within a day, my penis swelled horribly with red and purple welts along the shaft and the head. The welts soon erupted into lesions on the shaft and dark purple blotches appeard on the head, which eventually started to bleed . The skin is so sensitive I cannot wear anything without pain. I cannot get an erection without serious pain and sex is out of the question. It s mean simply i have sulfa drug allergy .... can you please have some suggestions for me.?