If your son is a frequent wheezer, requiring bronchodilators often, then its better to put him on preventive medications like Foracort. Usually they are given for a minimum of 3 months and then seeing the response, they can be stopped.
In frequent wheezers there is lot of inflammation seen around the small airways. The best medication will be a
steroid. And inhalation is the best way to deliver the medicine to the problematic airways. Inhalation is the way in which side effects are least.
But the technique of giving the puff should be correct. It should be with a mask and spacer for his age. Please have the technique checked by your doctor.
And the common triggers like smoke, dust, fur toys, pet animals, house moulds,
cold air,
food allergies if any should be avoided for a perfect control.
So being a frequent wheezer, it is better if Foracort puffs are given to your son according to your doctor's advice.
Hope this answers your query.
Best wishes.