Approximately 40 days ago, I noticed blood in my urine and I had not been feeling well for a few days. I went to my physician and a urinalysis was done and I was diagnosed with a UTI . I was given Cipro for 10 days, and on the 14th day was told to have a 2nd urinalysis/culture completed. This time the urine was clear of infection, but still showed signs of blood in the urine. Doctor then had me wait 1 month, and have the urinalysis/culture done again. The result showed no infection, but blood still in the urine. I then had a bi-lateral renal ultrasound completed which checked my kidneys and bladder . The radiologist found a very small cyst in each kidney, but neither would be causing the blood to be present in the urine. The doctor is now referring me to a urologist . Can you tell me why and what more specific tests that he will do to determine the cause for the blood to be present in the urine? What else may be causing this?