I have heaviness in my eyes and a lot of pressure in my nose . My eyes are blurry as well. However, this goes away when I sit or lie down. I also have been having headaches for the past few days - above my eyes across my forehead . I am 91 years old, have controlled Blood pressure (have been on aticand and just recently taling 12.5 mg of metroprolol), type 2 diabetes well controlled by diet . No other illnesses or disorders. This condition has left me lying down a lot. I am very active - walk every day, ride an exercise bike for 25 minutes, go grocery shopping on my own, still drive my car. Family very supportive. I live in a senior citizens apartment complex in my own apartment. I am wondering if this has anything to do with my sinuses. Am feeling quite unwell when this happens. Have had this for 3 weeks. I live on the east coast of Canada and for the past three weeks, the weather has been cloudy, snowy - no clear sunny days for about a month. I bought a humidifier yesterday hoping this might help - apartment complex well heated and air very dry.