Hi, I have a little rash on my ankle. I woke up at 3 am one morning and noticed it. I didnt think anything of it and went back to bed. When I woke up at 6 (3 hours later), I had a really sore throat. At track practice later that day (Friday), I had really itchy eyes, a sore throat, and a stuffy nose. I thought it was just allergies. On Saturday, I had a cough and still, a sore throat and stuffy nose. The same thing on Sunday. On Monday, I still had the same cough and sore throat. I started to get a really bad headache and tunnel vision. I took some Advil and after a while, It went away. Monday night, I started feeling slightly dizzy. Now today, I have a sore throat, stuffy nose, cough, dizziness, and now my feet and hands have been getting numb and tingling. The rash on my ankle has spread a little too. The bumps are almost like little blisters and they itch. I dont know what it is or where it could have came from other then an insect bit maybe. Is the rash and all the other stuff related? Or is it just allergies or a cold?