last saturday I was working in the garden and felt something like prickly biting on my left hip. didn't look at it until; later in the evening. had a bunch of little welts in a 2 inch area. felt the area like pin pricks. then had another two square inch patch of needle pricking just to the left of the incision where I had a fusion in my lower back (L5-S1)45 years ago. then, ???? another two inch patch on the front of my left leg. the prickling has gone away. I now have aching around myleft hip, as well as at one point on one rib, started about two days after the first symptoms. the most achy spots seem to be on the edge of my pelvis. the welts never blistered, but after about 6 days, they now have small dark spot on top of the welts. the welts are going away and are not itchy. the aching keeps me awake from 2 AM on. Advil does nothing to relieve the pain. ( I was taking 800 mgs. nothing.) the best relief I have found is a jacuzi before bed. not shingles because no blister?