My 17 year old daughter has had a rash since last Sunday, it started out looking a bit like tiny blisters, was very itchy and then they appear to have gone away but scabbed over . She has also had appear, since last Friday, 5 bumps under her shins that are slightly red but not really bruised looking. They are painful to the touch. Yesterday she started complaining that her knee caps were sore and felt bruised, even though nothing was visible. In August, and just 10 days ago, she had very bad viral throat infections. The one in August was accompanied by a low grade fever for 10 days. The past few months she has also remarked about how she wakes up sweating in the middle of the night. Almost to me what would sound like menopause , but obviously is not. Any thoughts. Oh, and she also has psoriasis but not at the moment.