The cause for pruritus ani could be many. It could be due to
fungal infection, worm infestation, sweat, stool
incontinence, stool deposits due to improper maintenance of hygiene,
diarrhoea, increased
anal discharge, haemorrhoids, fissures, sometimes it is psychogenic etc
To treat the condition
Maintain hygiene, clean the area properly and keep it dry
Rule out the underlying cause
If due to worms deworming with medication is required
If cause is stool incontinence, fissure, haemorrhoids , a consultation with surgeon to suggest appropriate treatment is required
If its fungal infection usually application of a antifungal cream and dusting with antifungal powder helps.
The bleeding in your case could be due to erosions from constant scratching. To treat the area empirically now, take anti histaminics like
cetirizine, clean and dry the area apply a steroid antibiotic antifungal cream ( you can mix flutivate cream with candid cream and apply)for few days. However take a doctor's appointment to look for specific cause.
Take care.