Hello, I am very concerned that I may be pregnant. Recently, I’ve been experiencing symptoms such as; extreme breast tenderness, slight nausea, fatigue frequent urination, moodiness and mild headaches. These symptoms have now been accompanied by light spotting mixed with discharge, resulting in a light pink appearance. My cycle should begin soon between the 20th - 24th that being said; I have never in my life experienced a light menstrual cycle or any light bleeding such as this before. Furthermore, the other symptoms I have listed NEVER accompany me during my normal menstrual cycle! Especially the breast tenderness! Please also take note that last week I had experienced cramps similar to the kind I get during the beginning of my menstrual cycle. However, there was no bleeding. This experience was very out of the ordinary for me and at first I thought it might have been a bladder infection or UTI that was causing the uncomfortable cramps I went to the doctor to find there was nothing wrong. At this point, pregnancy was not a concern because with the exception of my breast tenderness other symptoms had not made an appearance yet… Today, as an attempt to put my mind at ease, I took a pregnancy test. It came out negative, leaving me with more questions than answers. I have never felt so “off” like this! What other explanation could there be for my symptoms? Is it possible I tested too early and if so, when would be the best time to test again for the most accurate results? Some other insights: I am 21 years old I am physically active I have been in an exclusive, loving relationship for four years.