Recently last few months been sweating heavily upon light exertion even waking a few steps after standing up from resting. Have tachycardia daily increasing when getting up and walking from resting. HR Can go up to 110-120 from resting in the 80s.
Seems sweats increase with HR or coincidence?
Sensitive to minute changes in temp or air pressure. Get overheated or overchilled.
Have rsd/erythromelalgia in feet and maybe body
Feel like problems with vasodilatation in
Morphea due to venus insufficiency in legs
They are numb and in pain and swell when down...get more difficult to move legs when cold temp inside house or outside
Changes in temp Feels like frostbite when warming up...torture...
Is this raynauds, fibro?
Meds, POTS, cushings? Allof the above
SLE lupus on medrol 16mg...
and now found out have small vessel lung dis
Severe asthma..air trapping, scattered ground glass, tree in bud, attenuation,
On brio, xopenex, spiriva