I am recovering from a bout with severe eczema - one type all over my scalp, and the other dyshidrotic on hands (diagnosed 10 days ago, seen by doctor). I was beginning to get it around my eye, and definitely had something bad going on in one ear. 4mg. medrol for 5 days really helped. However, my doctor did not treat the ear as related, and it is my problem. He diagnosed as swimmer s ear (no, I do not swim). It has had fluid in it, and been blocked for 2 weeks! I had a horrible allergic reaction to the Cortisporin drops, causing a set-back. I am in pain, uncomfortable, have no insurance, and don t know what to do. I have been using peroxide and water (2:1) to combat the ear infection for 2 days. I have also, on/off depending on pain/itch levels, been using Hyland s earache drops. They help, but I need to get this fluid out!! My balance is affected, I m at the ear in my sleep (when I can sleep). Please, please is there anything I can do?