I had my baby in Sept 2009. Sometime during the end of my pregnancy, I had a lump under my armpit but it just stayed a small bump. When she was around 6-8 months old, I tried to have a family member pop this bump, and it became swollen and I went to the ER, and they cut it, drained it, and packed it and gave me amoxicillan. She said I could no longer shave under my arms. Around 6 months later I shaved, a bump formed, I went to the same Dr and was given antibiotics again, but it wasn t currently.leaking so they didn t have to cut it. It s now back again. It s very uncomfortable, sometimes painful, and hard in the surrounding area. It sometimes has a head kinda, but mostly has a whole that slowly leaks a foul smelling ooze. Please, help me.