My daughter is 18. She has had a rash off and on for a couple of years on her fingers. Her family doctor told her it came from using cleaning products on the job, she is a waitress and wipes down tables and counters. She has been dealing with this now for several months and for over a month her ear lobes have been oozy, itchy, red/raw and now behind one of her ears has cracked open in the crease and is red and irratated. She has also had some places on her face including the corner of her mouth, inside and under her nose and a patch on her face. I have been applying alcohol to her ears and using hydracortisone and/or Neosporin to the places. This seems to help, but does not cure. The skin around her eye has also been red, inflammed, and scaly. The doctor says that is Blepheritis, but I now wonder if the eye condition has something to do with the other issues. I am not sure what we are dealing with here. Any ideas?