I have a red little sore on my right breast that has been there for about 4 months. I got a little worried about it since both of my breasts were hurting at the same time so I went to my gynecologist . He said its due to my hormones. He looked at the sore and told me it was nothing. My mammogram was ok, and I have no lumps , redness, swelling or heat. I woke up this morning at the sore seems bigger and redder. Its next to the cleavage area and due to my age I get night sweats (I m 45), so I m wondering if it could be from sweating. However, I have read about IBC and am now a bit concerned. I had bronchitis a few weeks ago and used some Vicks on my chest and that actually made the little sore fade a bit and it turned pink instead of red. But this morning its back to red and a bit bigger I m due to see the doctor again next month, but I m not sure if I should wait that long. I m worried about it being something really bad. Would it be ok to wait, or should I try to bump my appointment up sooner?