For 3 weeks now I have had redness on the left side of my labia minora along with burning and itching. It started off with swelling of my labia majora on the left side. That swelling went away after two days though, but the burning and itching of my labia minora has not. I saw a Gynecologist a week and a half ago for it, and she didn t notice any discharge and it is definitely not a STD . So, she just gave me diflucin and lotrisone cream, (although she said it didn t look like a yeast infection or a vaginal infection). She did see what looked like a cut, and told me to apply the cream to it. I have been taking it for a week and a half and I have not improved. Two days ago a hard lump appeared on my labia minora on that left side. It is round, and the same color as my skin (pink). It is the size of a pea. It doesn t hurt to touch it, but is very itchy. What could it be?