In my previous and first ever icsi cycle, I had responded really well to the meds, had 14 eggs extracted, 9 of them fertilized into good quality embies. Three grade a embies were transferred on day 3 and my endo lining was approx 12mm.... Didn t workout despite everything being textbook perfect.. This was in Sep-Oct 2012... In my current cycle, my response, follicles and endo lining are all f poor quality... My e2 went upto 9000 on day 7 of Stims and my dr decreased my dosage (1each of Puregon & Ferti M from 2 each). My e2 started falling and dropped to 2000 over the next 5 days and my follies almost stopped growing. My dr upped my dosage to 2p & 2fm again from day 9 of Stims but the e2 still didn t rise till today, when it reached up to 3500 and I have approx 2 at 17mm, 3 at 15mm and a couple above 12mm and around 10 less than 12mm on both sides (total of 15 follies on each side)... My endo dropped from 8 to 6mm but is 6.8 today... Do u think I might have hope in this cycle?