I ve noticed some little bruises showing up recently. They are pretty much the same in size. They are roughly the size of a pencil eraser. They are mostly round, with a slight tendency to elongate into a bit of an oval shape. Color is maroon on one side with dark purple on the opposite side. There is no pain involved. They just show up. I notice the first one on the topside of my left hand , oh maybe a week ago. I accidentally scratched it, and it began bleeding . Since then, it has healed up. Almost immediately after I scratched the one bruise , I noticed one just like it on the outer left side of my left forearm . That was probably 2-3 days ago. Then, just a little while ago, say maybe a 1/2 hour, or so - I noticed the same type of bruise on the topside of my right wrist . It s really odd. There is no pain, or discomfort. These bruises are just kind of popping up, so to speak. Any idea what may be behind these bruises? (I can t recall any injuries that would explain them, and they all look the same.) Thank you