Hello there !
studied your report of GB scan. Your CBD is distended for sure. the maximum limit is 6 to 7 mm. these areas of increased echognecity can not be associated with any thing unless correlated with your thorough histoy and physical exam. cause it changes with age and any thing starting from obesity to
fatty liver to
Lipoproteins or liver
metabolism or some obstruction in common bile duct.
Usually the duct gets distended from obstruction the two main reasons for which are ALcohol and Stones. So i suspect it because of alcohol cause alcohol gets metabolised to fats and
cholestrol and as your scan also narrated the correlation , but i am afraid that little of history is all i can get to or speculate.
But your CBD is for sure dilated. Now If there are pains and asoociations like nausea
vomiting fever etc,
i would adise to further investigate
DO the ct scan abdomen and pelvis, Pancreatic profile assessmeent to rule out
pancreatitis or malignancy that is Serum amylase, urinary amylase, amylase to lipase ratio, CA 19-9 , i would also advise THC( trans hepatic
cholangiography) Or MRCP( magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography) or ERCP( Endoscopinc retrograde cholangiopancreaticography) and some MAglamine DiAtrazoate or barium Meals X rays.
But as i said clinical correlation is the main platform to proceed not just one U/S scan report. You should have stated Your little history and things could have been more in your favour. Any how i have managed to help you out the best i could.
If you need me dont forget that i am here for you. You can contact me any time any way you want. I have my email and cell number on my profile.
Dr Shafi Ullah Khan
My Patient is My family