my hasband has done his semen analysis test done one month back.The semen count- No sperms seen. we are worried,please suggest.
Please find below my hasband semen analysis and blood test.
Report details.
Volume: 1.0ml
Viscosity: Viscous
Liquefaction time: 30 mins
Pus Cells : 8-10/HPF
R B Cs - Nil
Spermatogenic cells : 2-3 / hpf
Motlity : 0%
Morphology : 0%
Blood Test:
FSH : 6.33 mlu/ml
LH : 3.00mlu/ml
Prolactin; 17.60 ng/ml
Testosterone: 1.5 ng/nl
No Varicocele
My Urologist doctor suggest capsules. Fish oil,liver oil,clomid 50mg,testocaps,stresstabs also.
please help me, i am married 1 years, we need child,i am pregrancy any possible.
normal, IUI,ICSI,IVF any treatment to chances pregrant. please suggest at the earliest.
Thanking you,