Hello doctor,I have been suffering from semi solid stool for 3-4 months.Stomach beating fast,Nausea,Frequent urge to toilet after eating.By consulting to local doctor they gave me norflox-tz,ofloxocin,and lactobecillas medicine but past 20 days it was very annoying.So I consult senior doctor he told me to do stool test culture and sensitivity.Report shows that Gram stain :negative bacilli are seen Organism isolated:Klebsiella pneumoniae colony count:heavy growth pus cells:12-15 /hpf epithelial cells:4-6 /hpf The doctor gave me subacet and mikacin through injection.After week of course of medicines the 2nd report shows absent of pus cells in semi solid stool.Now frequent urge to toilet is less but still there is semi solid stool.Is it ok to semi solid stool.?Is it like that due to klebsiella pneumoniae I got this problem..?