Several days ago I suddenly woke up with tenderness in one hip - it felt as if I had bruised it badly but I couldn't think of how I could have done it. Over the next few hours it spread to both hips - it felt as if both were inflamed, very sensitive deep in the hip joint when I touch it. But along with it was extreme sensitivity to touch on my skin in my whole lower abdominal area - all the way around, front, hips and in back. I was going to go to a doctor but it then subsided gradually over the next few days. That part is now normal, but what then began and has continued are waves of heat going through my body - I don't feel feverish per se, but it's just extreme heat that passes through for a minute or two every 45 min-hour. I am 46, so I'm wondering if all of this could indicate early menopause? It's just odd that I had those earlier symptoms which I've never heard of to be related to menopause? Thanks.