Hello, I am a 51 year young woman, I have sever RA for past 20 years. Been on Prednisone for the whole time, currently 5 mgs a day, areva 20 mgs day, methotrexate 7 pills once a week, and folic acid every day. This morning I found a nodule on the back of my left leg just above my ankle (this ankle is fused) it is very sore and red. I also had stage 1b lung cancer . I have been cancer free for one year, just had a check up in Jan. I have a history of staph and other bactirial infections in my feet . Just wondering if I should be very concerned and call my ortho doctor tomorrow, or wait and see what happens. I also have oxycodone 5/525 and I have take 1 and 1/2 pills already today. I have a very high pain tolerance ( so it is unusal for me to take this much pain meds) and it is very rare if I run a fever, thru all my infections on my feet I was hospitalized 3 times and came home with pick lines and never once ran a fever. Thank You