Hi I am a 36year old woman, who has a good diet and walks regulary and i have been suffering from back pain on and off for the last 12 years which has got worse over the last 5 years. I am also suffering from intermittent pain and pins & needles in my face and head, and hands and arms. I also get a strange sensory symptom when I touch my left forearm I get an odd noise in my right ear, almost as if I can hear the touch. I also suffer from headaches (which I believe come from my back?) and tiredness, which leads to dizziness and general slowness in thinking etc. I had an MRI in 2009 of head and neck which I was told was clear, however when I was pregnant this year I was sent back to neurologist who had a look at it again and thought there might be a suspected syringomyelia . I had another MRI after I had my baby which has come back clear. I also had a scan on my lower back in 2009 which showed minor tear and wear. I have had blood taken tested for b12, thyroid ect which were normal. I have been told that they believe there is nothing causing these symptoms but have reluctantly been sent for more blood tests and I am due to get a nerve test. I feel I am being dismissed, although I feel that my symptoms are getting worse. I am worried that if I go back to my doctor I will be seen as a hypercondriact. Any advise would be appreciated.