I believe I experienced a high ankle sprain approximately 2 weeks ago. I had severe bruising around ankle and up my leg on the right side of the calf. I did not see a dr because I do not have the funds to and i have asked every person i know to check my foot and has stated it was just a sprain. I also did a few at home tests and decided that from my range of motion that I had just had a severe sprain. I rested, iced,& wrapped my ankle for compression religiously. I am able to walk and trace the alphabet with my foot, flex on my toes, roll my ankle, stand on injuired foot alone. I am still walking with a limp and my side of my calf has a very weird sensation sometimes when I flex my foot. It feels as if maybe a tore a ligament on the side of calf but I'm not sure. I'm wondering will I be okay without going in to get further testing? Will this heal on its own? If I do not seek treatment can this be determental to my walking abilities?