Hi Doctors, I m a male 38 years old, and I ve been having severe case of Anal Fissure , It has been going on for more than a year now, but I ve always thought this is a piles( Haermorroid) Problem and was not receiving the proper treatment, but now for a month it has worsened to such a state where there is a huge lump blocking my anal canal while having bowel movements. I went to see a specialist and he has recommended Rectogesic ointment cream, which is taking too long to reduce my pain, I m emotionally distressed to do my bowel movements, but when I do, my waste are very minimal, and soft, I m drinking plenty of water and eat apples and choose only food with high fibre in it, Will it be a good idea for me to opt for a sphinterectomy? please advice. Thanks for your time, To add to my misery, My pain after a bowel movement last atleast for 2 to 3 hours, even after taking neproxen 275mg, I really need help.