Hey dear!
After reading your query. I cam across that you are very worried about two problems
chest pain might be heart disease
2) why were these small spots in lungs
let me answer them one by one. but before that these two are not related. so don't worry about any relation between two.
Now coming to chest pain. if you were my patient then by looking at you age the first thing i exclude would be heart problem. and this is what your physician did. and may be there were some changes in your ECG so he gave you two medications. one is
nitroglycerin which decrease chest pain due to heart disease. and
Aspirin which make your blood thinner and prevent further progression of disease. The next best test to confirm the disease is ETT(also called as
stress test). in this test we make you run faster and this increase your heart beat. and at the same time we will take your ECG. if you passs this test it means that there s very less likelihood of disease and chest pain is something else. but if you fail this Stress test then next Step is
Angiography which will let us know that which blood vessel which is supplying blood to you heart is blocked. if found will be treated accordingly. so i a nutshell your physician is going on the right path. let him do his work.
Now coming to chest spot. it might be some old infection which got resolved and left a spot. but still to confirm it
Ultrasound is important. I dont know to which country you belong. if you are from some developing country then it is probably resolved
tuberculosis which effect upper part of the lung. so just wait for ultrasound results.
So if you were my patient I would have followed same path as your own physician is following. Get Well Soon