Hi, I am a 37 year old woman, I smoke occasionally, I went to the er a few months ago with severe chest pressure radiating into my arm and up my jaw. They did an EKG , stress test, xrays, and lab work. All came back normal. They said it was my panic disorder . I went to my pcd and he told me my blood pressure was excellent, my pulse was good, yet I was still sick. I have been having severe abdominal cramping/pain for the last 4 months also. I have had 3 c-sections, a hysterectomy , umbilical hernia repair (which needs to be repaired again), and vertical banded gastroplasty. I have been loosing on average 10 -15 lbs a month unintentionally. I can t seem to eat. Even the smell of food makes me want to vomit. But this pain is getting to me, I stayed in bed today and woke up in a pool of sweat, literally soaking my bed and blanket. What could be wrong if it isn t my heart?