Hello, 1blessedmom.ap,
I hope you did not have to have any
episiotomy during your latest
childbirth. Your description of very hard stool and straining at stool
followed by passage of blood , really limits the site of bleeding to
the lower ano-rectal area. You mention about a tear or a fissure.
Usually with this there is a lot of burning pain and the tear is
located at th end of the anal canal. In your case, most likely
you have
internal hemorrhoids, that is not visible or felt by touch
unless they are prolapsed or protruding. This can happen if a
person continues to strain and is severly constipated. Make sure
you start taking a stool sotener daily at bed time 1-2. You can
find them in any drug store. You can buy a hemorrhoid cream
containing 10%
hydrocortisone and a local anesthetic. Using
a finger cot apply a small amount after a bowel movement.
You can use this three or four times a day. If the bleeding does
not stop, then you may need to see a
proctologist who can
do a
sigmoidoscopy to check the rectosigmoid area and treat
appropriately. It is possible that one could have a polyp low
enough that could bleed. This is doubtful.
I wish you well.