Not sure if I have a problem or not, was trying to wait it out over the weekend, but getting a little worried.
I started my period two weeks early(I'm on birth control), and it has been heavier and longer than normal, I contacted my gyn, and they advised me to take a pregnancy test, if it was negative, I was OK. Well it was negative, so I didn't think much until it started dragging on. Also I've had severe cramps and abdominal pain and trouble sleeping. I figured since I started heavy exercise and reduced my calories, it was no worry to be a little early on my period or tired but unable to sleep. My doctors asked me nothing about my recent lifestyle or anything, which surprised me. But now I am fairly certain I am very anemic and very shaky and light headed and nauseous...I plan to call first thing in the morning, but I'm a little scared. This is not normal