I have a terrible discharge ....can you help me? I have a hx of bv and yeast . I went to the clinic and was dx with this (once again) 3 weeks ago. I took flagyl and diflucan when done. I STILL had the discharge, which was unusual for me. I finished on Friday and took the diflucan. Thinking it might be something more, I took a ZPack of 1200 mg on Monday. It seemed to help but by Wednesday morning, I was getting the discharge back so I made an appt with Planned Parenthood. They got me in that day and I did an STI screening along with a pap smear . I informed the Nurse Practicioner that I would not have the money to come back so she gave me a shot of Rocephine and another Zpack, in case it was positive. I was rid of the discharge until Sunday. It was showing up again Sunday, and has continued to worsen. Now it is almost in full swing again and my sti screening and pap came back normal.