i'm a 19 year old female who has been suffering from headaches intermittently for around 2yrs, but in the last 4-5 months they have become more severe. They usually occur first thing in the morning as a dull ache behind my eyes which radiates down into the back of my head and beginning of my neck.
i also suffer from vision problems with decreased visual acuity as well as periods of shaky, blurred vision.
i also have twitches which begun with just my eylids at first but have now gone on to affect my hands, cheeks, upper arms, legs and feet, with me sometimes having twitches in 2 or 3 areas at the same time. I also experienced numbness and tingling in my arms and legs and severe drowsiness even though i get approximately 7-10hrs of sleep each night as well as an additional 1-3hour long nap each day.
i also have a history of hirsutism, clitoromegaly and irregular periods (although polycystic ovaries has been ruled out).
my gp put me on inderal as he suspected migraines but this didn't work, just as all the other otc pain relievers havent either.
any clues as to what i could possibly be suffering from would be greeatly appreciated as i'm beginning to worry that it could be something serious such as a brain tumor!